? ??????????????Love Hearts? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.6 (85 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 22431 Total Grabs. ?????
?Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????????I Love Pink? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (78 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 11929 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ??? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ryans Bum!

Well we just got back from visiting our FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD,

and they introduced us to our FAVORITE STORE IN THE WORLD.

Unfortunately this combination contributed to our LEAST FAVORITE SMELL IN THE WORLD...


...(I guess next time you should log out of your blog account before we get to it. Thanks for coming guys)


The Rob and Rachel Smith Fam said...

So Tenille and her husband are your favorite people in the world??? If you are trying to hurt my heart, well good job! You just did it! Lol.

The Nelson's said...

You will always be my favorite!